Sunday, 31 May 2015

Welcome Friends!

चन्दनं शीतलं लोके ,चन्दनादपि चन्द्रमाः |
चन्द्रचन्दनयोर्मध्ये शीतला साधुसंगतिः ||
अर्थात् : संसार में चन्दन को शीतल माना जाता है लेकिन चन्द्रमा चन्दन से भी शीतल होता है | अच्छे मित्रों का साथ चन्द्र और चन्दन दोनों की तुलना में अधिक शीतलता देने वाला होता है |

The EcoPreneurs, Leading Business & Health Management Group

The Ecohealth, Nature & Science...Together Build Strong Immunity!


we at Ecopreneurs started the work on sustainability for all.
our motto is quality work and optimum value.
we have a group of motivated, enthusiastic and self guided professionals!
will share our thoughts time by time for the enlightenment on different issues and topics
Be our friend and will work in harmony!!